it is rare for a Council to receive such a damning report that highlights the dysfunctional relationship created by the Lib Dem leadership team running Teignbridge District Council.
The report highlights the inability of the Lib Dem ruling group to work with officers to enable the efficient delivery of services needed by Teignbridge residents.
The full report is attached and highlights, through its recommendations, the major areas of concern as follows :-
2.1 Relationship tensions between Executive and SLT.
Addressing the relationship tensions between the Executive and SLT is the overriding priority for this council in order to move forward. Group leaders and the Head of Paid Service need to model and uphold the highest standards of behaviour and respect for each other and their respective roles.
2.2 Create the space for informal interaction.
Create the space for more informal councillor-officer interaction so that trust, respect and effective joint working can become the norm.
2.3 Improve decision making processes.
Councillors and officers need to improve the processes leading up to how decisions are taken, creating the time and space for robust policy formulation and discussion to take place ahead of formal decision making.
2.4 Finalise a Councillor/ Officer protocol.
Agree, adopt and publish a Councillor/ Officer protocol, preferably by utilising good practice from elsewhere. Put in place a system of delegations to enable officers to get on and deliver agreed priorities.
2.5 Statutory Officer recommendations.
Ensure councillors give full and due regard to any advice given by statutory officers in advance of any decisions. Consider formalising the statutory officer meetings and develop a forward work programme around a comprehensive governance framework.
2.6 Develop a new council strategy and narrative. Progress quickly to develop and communicate a new council strategy, and co-design the narrative of a community powered council.
2.7 Strengthen partner relationships.
Strengthen relationships with partners, but particularly town and parish councils. Progress plans you have in place for a workshop with town and parish councils and look to agree clear outcomes and a way forward.
2.8 Interactive engagement with communities.
Identify channels and opportunities for more interactive community engagement, for example, a more proactive approach using social media; encouraging responses to newsletter items to gather views.
2.9 Use of Reserves.
Consider invest to save opportunities in order to use reserves in a more enabling fashion.
2.10 Implement a new finance system.
Urgently implement a new finance system
Please read the report to understand the reasons why this situation exists. It goes a long way to explain why key investments to support our major towns have been cancelled, delayed or mismanaged by poor decision-making, refusal to accept professional advice or a political mantra that ignores the will of residents.