Dinner at Devon Hotel, Old Matford Lane, Exeter EX2 8XU
Friday March 22nd 2019 18.45 for 19.15 sit down
Vegetable Soup
Melon with a refreshing Coulis
Carvery - Roast Beef & Roast Turkey
Seabass in a white Wine & Dill Sauce
Vegetable Nut Cutlet
Honeycomb & Caramel Cheesecake
Fresh Fruit Salad
Freshly Filtered Coffee & Freshly Brewed Tea
Tickets £31.00 - Lounge Suits.
Concessionary rate for Young Conservatives of £25.00
Please complete the attendance reply and menu choice and return with your cheque to:
Mrs Marjorie Baylis
Greenslades House, Oakford, Tiverton, EX16 9ES
01398 351266
Bank Transfers can be made to Devon Area Conservatives Sort Code 16.19.25 Account 10115917 using your name as a reference and please let Marjorie Baylis know you have done so!