Newton Abbot Conservative Association AGM 2021
In accordance with rules from CCHQ our AGM must be held before the end of June.
Because of the current Covid restrictions and uncertainty over the lifting of these we are holding our AGM by a ZOOM meeting.
If you would like to attend you will need to receive an invitation directly which will enable you to have the passcode which admits you to the meeting.
To receive this passcode please email me on [email protected] and I will add your name to the approved list.
There are new rules that come into play at this meeting, including the requirement to have a representative who is a resident from every ward in our area.
Therefore each local association will be asked to provide these details at this AGM.
The agenda for the AGM will be as follows
1) Apologies
2) Minutes of meeting (AGM 2020)
3) Financial Update
4) Report from VC Membership
5)Report from VC Political
6) Report from Young Conservatives
7) Election of Officers
President (Currently Chris Clarance)
Chair (Currently Phil Bullivant)
Vice Chair (Political) (Currently Vacant)
Vice Chair (Membership & Fundraising) (Currently Nick Yabsley)
Treasurer (Currently Mary Wylie)
Secretary (Currently Vacant)
8) Plans for 2021-22
9) AOB
10) Update from Anne Marie Morris
Meeting date SATURDAY 26th JUNE 10.00AM by Zoom
ANY ADDITIONAL ITEMS FOR THE AGENDA OR Nominations for office should be sent to your local branch for forwarding on to the Chairman.
The last date for notifications or agenda items will be June 22nd
Phil Bullivant
Chair, Newton Abbot Conservative Association
07768 355544
[email protected]
Association AGM
Saturday, 26th June 2021
10am by Zoom